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updateSpecialPages.php - PHP Notice "No transaction to commit, something got out of sync!"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After upgrading from MW 1.20.8 (PHP 5.3.3 and SQL 5.1.66) to 1.21.3 I get the following PHP notice for every special page to be updated:

PHP Notice: UpdateSpecialPages::execute: No transaction to commit, something got out of sync! [Called from DatabaseBase::commit in /.../includes/db/Database.php at line 3068] in /.../includes/debug/Debug.php on line 283

$wgDevelopmentWarnings was set to true before and after the upgrade.

The special pages however are being updated.

I will also be nice to know how to get this in sync.

Version: 1.21.x
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to High.Nov 22 2014, 2:42 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz57922.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Can you try with $wgDevelopmentWarnings = false? The real error gets covered up because of bug 58095

This notice is only shown on shell or send by e-mail from cron when $wgDevelopmentWarnings is set to true. If set to false the expected behaviour is observed in the shell (log of special pages updated) and via cron no e-mail is sent.

Thank you for dealing with this.

TTO subscribed.

Needs re-testing, in light of T60095 (= bug 58095) being marked fixed. TestMe

Kghbln claimed this task.

I just retested with MW 1.23.7, PHP 5.4.4 and MySQL 5.5.38 as well as $wgDevelopmentWarnings set to true. I can confirm that I no longer get the PHP notices as described in this bug. Thanks for fixing.