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mediawiki waits for memcached connection forever
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Today a bunch of DB transactions hung open from mw1207. The offending apache threads showed this stack trace:

(gdb) zbacktrace
[0xbe6a1190] usleep()
[0xbe6a0ae8] lock()
[0xbe6a00b0] lock()
[0xbe69fc30] upload()
[0xbe69e790] performUpload()
[0xbe69e3e0] performUpload()
[0xbe69cc98] getContextResult()
[0xbe69c610] execute()
[0xbe69c050] executeAction()
[0xbe69be48] executeActionWithErrorHandling()
[0xbe69aee8] execute()
[0xbe69add8] ??? /usr/local/apache/common-local/w/api.php:3

Paravoid noticed mw1207 twemproxy had stopped listening on port 11211. Restarting it caused the open txns to complete and the apache threads to continue as normal.

Mediawiki shouldn't wait forever if memcached is not responding.

Version: 1.23.0
Severity: major



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to High.Nov 22 2014, 3:00 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz63058.

Change 122550 had a related patch set uploaded by Aaron Schulz:
Speed up LocalFile locking behavoir

Change 122550 merged by jenkins-bot:
Speed up LocalFile locking behavior

Change 123041 had a related patch set uploaded by Aaron Schulz:
Made BagOStuff fail fast in cas/lock on certain errors

Change 123041 merged by jenkins-bot:
Made BagOStuff fail fast in cas/lock on certain errors

Aaron: Both patches merged. Do we wait for checking if this still happens and if more work is needed, or can this issue be considered fixed?