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Template crowding
Closed, InvalidPublic


Author: zaharon

In at least some Wikipedia articles where header templates are immediately followed by a sidebar template there is no space between them by default and one must manually adjust the sidebar parameters to create some. Unfortunately such an ad-hoc solution applies to all articles where the template is present, both those with a header template and those without, creating uneven spacing across articles between the sidebar and the first line of text. This should be solves at the parser level to make sure header header templates could crowd only with other header templates.

For a concrete example see [[Template:Program execution]], where we had to deal with |outertitle=  and |style=margin-top:0.5em and the uneven results in pages such as [[Compiler]] and [[Interpreter (computing)]].

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 3:21 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz65995.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

If anything this is a local CSS issue, not a parser issue. What exactly would you like to see fixed here?

zaharon wrote:

(In reply to This, that and the other from comment #1)

If anything this is a local CSS issue, not a parser issue. What exactly
would you like to see fixed here?

That's exactly the thing - it's not local - all of the templates involved are in their default configurations, meaning that the problem recurs in every article where you have a similar situation. Take for example [[Runtime system]]: You want 0 space between the two top templates, but some space between them and the sidebar. That's a common scenario, right? But instead of it happening automatically, you have to solve it locally for every article or every template (as indeed we did), introducing new problems. What I would like to see is logic that automatically inserts whitespace, padding or whatever between kinds of templates that are not meant to crowd together, ever.

By "local" I mean "specific to a wiki". The whole infobox template/CSS setup is purely local to English Wikipedia, and is not part of the MediaWiki software.

If you would like, you can post at [[MediaWiki talk:Common.css]] or contact [[User:Edokter]].

It is not possible for MediaWiki to account for any template and its accompanying CSS that may be present on a project. These kind of issues should be fixed at the project-level, as that is where the 'problems' are created.

zaharon wrote:

Okay. Closing. Thanks.