(This is a badly placed and phrased bug report)
When I entered '54' to P1082 (population) in Q17070263,something changed that to '54±1' (against my will and knowledge.
I then had to edit it again and change '54±1' to '54±0' to make it display '54'.
Is there some way to turn of the '±1' (or at least make it optional while making the edit....or something) because when I enter something, it is exact, not of by ±1. If I want 54±1, then I'll enter '54±1', and if I want 54, let me enter '54'.
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
URL: https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q17070263&diff=prev&oldid=137221020