Author: hirsch.heisseich
If you are logged in all top-navigation links have an accesskey... No, not all!
The 'preferences'-link doesn't have one. Why? Please include there also an
accesskey. Thank you.
The current code:
<li id="pt-userpage" class="active"><a title="My user page [alt-.]"
accesskey="." href="/wiki/xxx">xxx</a></li>
<li id="pt-mytalk"><a title="My talk page [alt-n]" accesskey="n"
href="/wiki/xxx">My talk</a></li>
<li title="My preferences" id="pt-preferences"><a
<li id="pt-watchlist"><a title="The list of pages you're monitoring for changes.
[alt-l]" accesskey="l" href="/wiki/Spezial:Watchlist">My watchlist</a></li>
<li id="pt-mycontris"><a title="List of my contributions [alt-y]" accesskey="y"
href="/wiki/Spezial:Contributions/xxx">My contributions</a></li>
<li id="pt-logout"><a title="Log out [alt-o]" accesskey="o"
href="/w/index.php?title=Spezial:Userlogout&returnto=xxx">Log out</a></li>
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal