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Edit summary on revert gives the wrong username
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is a report made for one user that is unable to report it because he doesn't understand English, so I'm trying to explain it the best as I can:

This is the revert:

This is happening always (as one can see in user contributions)

As you can see, the edit summary contains the same user in the "from" and "to". The second one has no link

User say he's using version 3.0.0 on Windows

Event Timeline

Ciencia_Al_Poder raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Ciencia_Al_Poder updated the task description. (Show Details)
Ciencia_Al_Poder added a project: Huggle.
Ciencia_Al_Poder changed Security from none to None.
Ciencia_Al_Poder subscribed.

Can you please ask him to upgrade to version 3.1.5 as 3.0.0 is incredibly old?

Petrb claimed this task.

works-to-me :o

The user is going to install latest version and try it

He noted that eswiki advertised 3.0.0 as the latest version:

I've updated that page to point to [[m:Huggle/Download]] instead