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Make story points available in tasks that aren't yet in a sprint
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ccing @kevinator since this might apply to his team, too.

In my team, we like to estimate stories before they make it into a sprint. As the Product Owner, then I can have a somewhat realistic sense for how many tasks can fit in a sprint and keep on pace with the workload of the engineering team. Without being able to add points to a task before it gets into a sprint, this isn't possible.

I'm not sure what the best solution is, since we probably don't want this property to be showing by default on all the tasks in phabricator, but wanted to open it for discussion.

Event Timeline

atgo raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
atgo updated the task description. (Show Details)
atgo changed Security from none to None.
atgo added subscribers: atgo, kevinator.

One possibility is to create a base backlog project that is a Sprint project, but without the time constraints. I think that is what Wikidata plans to do. The Wikidata project will have the special character in the name, but without the time constraints. This project then serves as a container for all project related tasks. Then, as new sub-project Sprints are created, the tasks that have already been triaged and assigned points from the base project can just be added to the Sprint.

What we came up with is writing the number of points in the title of the task itself. Check out the right column "Ready for Dev":

At our sprint planning meeting we take tasks from that column and add them to a sprint. After that, it's pretty trivial to go through each task and add the point values to the "Story Points" field.

It would be nice if we could type in the points at our tasking meeting (before we actually meet again to add them into a sprint project). I think having all these tasks in a special sprint could solve the issue.

Thanks @Christopher and @kevinator. One of these approaches should work for us. Appreciate your quick feedback!