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DNS zones do not get re-generated when adding new language
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we added a new language to the DNS "langs" template . change:
as described in
but the added language does not end up in the generated zone files after
it never got into the actual /etc/gdnsd/zones/ files on ns0
please find out what else is needed to trigger a generation of the zones and
let's add it to the docs

Referred To By:
T84649: DNS for



Event Timeline

rtimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Dec 18 2014, 2:18 AM
rtimport added a project: ops-core.
rtimport set Reference to rt8778.

Dependency by ticket #8772 added by dzahn

worked around it by finding a reason to touch the zone file itself (vs. just
the langlist), sorted something alphabetically, and yea, it generates it just
fine then. so we have the new WP language "mai" active and that's what i wanted
for now.
so the bug is that we don't regenerate if only a .tmpl file in ./helpers/ is
touched but not an actual zone template and it's lower priority now

Dependency by ticket #8772 deleted by dzahn

Reference by ticket #8772 added by dzahn

AdminCc jeremyb added by jeremyb

Dzahn changed the visibility from "WMF-NDA (Project)" to "Public (No Login Required)".Apr 2 2015, 12:05 AM
Dzahn changed the edit policy from "WMF-NDA (Project)" to "All Users".
Dzahn set Security to None.