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Fatal bug in upgrade from 1.4.x, "tag conditions not met"
Closed, InvalidPublic


Author: dclark

I can upgrade from verstion 1.4.5 to 1.4.10. But when I try to upgrade from either 1.4.5 or 1.4.10
to a 1.5.* or 1.6.* release I fail with the following message.

Tag conditions not met. This should never happen and is a bug.
GlobalFunctions.php line 451 calls wfbacktrace()
Sanitizer.php line 670 calls wfdebugdiebacktrace()
Sanitizer.php line 552 calls sanitizer::gettagattributecallback()
Parser.php line 655 calls sanitizer::fixtagattributes()
Parser.php line 784 calls parser::dotablestuff()
Parser.php line 193 calls parser::internalparse()
OutputPage.php line 254 calls parser::parse()
OutputPage.php line 245 calls outputpage::addwikitexttitle() line 89 calls outputpage::addwikitext() line 55 calls fixlinksfromarticle()
rebuildall.php line 34 calls refreshlinks()

MediaWiki ( 1.4.5
PHP ( 4.3.4 (apache2handler)
MySQL ( 4.0.18-Max

Version: 1.4.x
Severity: major
OS: Windows XP



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 9:16 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz6817.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

jimmy.collins wrote:

*** Bug 6818 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

If it's listing 1.4.5, you have a broken mix of files. Please
upgrade *ALL* files.

dclark wrote:

The steps I used to do the upgrade are as follows;

Download the compressed tar file
Using tar -zxvf mediawiki*.gz a directory structure is created for example /tmp/mediawiki-1.5.5
Move using "mv /tmp/mediawiki-1.5.5 /srv/www/htdocs" command the directory structure
From the /srv/www/htdocs/wiki directory (where wiki version 1.4.5 is running) I issue a "cp -
R /srv/www/htdocs/mediawiki-1.5.5/* ." command. I am assuming that all the files I need to update are copied
to the current wiki directory.
Update the AdminSettings.php with the mysql user and password
Alter the changes in the LocalSettings.php file per the changes in the UPGRADE text document
change directory to wiki/maintenance
run "php update.php" - all works fine
run "php refreshLinks.php" and I get the error as noted above.

If I am missing some files and not updating "ALL" of them please tell me where or how to get them. Should I
modify my "cp -R" copy command? I am willing to try anything.

robchur wrote:

*** Bug 6926 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Instead of copying all files over your old installation, try copying LocalSettings.php, images and other user content over the new installation.