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Puppetize adding a host to a particular queue
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Should be automatic, shouldn't need any manual steps.

Event Timeline

yuvipanda assigned this task to coren.
yuvipanda raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
yuvipanda updated the task description. (Show Details)
yuvipanda added projects: Puppet, Toolforge.
yuvipanda added subscribers: Aklapper, yuvipanda.
gerritbot subscribed.

Change 188872 had a related patch set uploaded (by coren):
Tool Labs: more tweaks to the queue templates


Change 188872 merged by coren:
Tool Labs: more tweaks to the queue templates

At this time, it looks like configuration for nodes and queues is generated correctly (in /data/project/.system/gridengine/etc), but it is not applied automatically - the qconf statements are still echo-ed out to avoid breaking running config.

Ima start comparing generated config with running config and, once the differences are well understood, enable the actual qconf calls.

coren removed coren as the assignee of this task.Mar 25 2015, 3:20 PM
coren triaged this task as Low priority.
coren set Security to None.
bd808 assigned this task to Bstorm.
bd808 subscribed.

Another things fixed (mostly) in the Debian migration