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Daily aggregation of page view dumps stalled
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Since Jan 26, 2015 no daily aggregations of page view dumps have been generated (and hence no monthly either for Jan)

The script stumbles over a data file that seems to be out of order, even when all data have been sorted prior to merge.

At least 3 users reported the issue in previous weeks.

Event Timeline

ezachte claimed this task.
ezachte raised the priority of this task from to High.
ezachte updated the task description. (Show Details)

The underlying problem is a record in an hourly pageview dump with empty title. My script now patches such records with title '-no-title-'.

I filed a separate bug for that:

Daily aggregation has been restarted and successfully processed data for Jan 27. Now it will take a day or two to catch up.

ezachte set Security to None.