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New page with duplicate title overwrites existing page (FormWizard)
Open, LowestPublic


I'm working with the new two-forms-per-portal userscript (@T89320, code). I used a button in my userspace to create a new idea GLAM_GHANA, which already exists.

  1. the wizard did not alert me that this title was taken (shown blue checkmark, not red x)
  2. I was able to create the new idea (button not greyed out)
  3. my new idea overwrote the existing idea:

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Capt_Swing assigned this task to Jephpaul.
Capt_Swing raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Capt_Swing updated the task description. (Show Details)
Capt_Swing subscribed.

@Jephpaul The same thing also seems to have happened here:

Note that in this situation, it was the FormWizard gadget that overwrote the existing content, not the userscript., was still pointing to to check for the titles after moving it to meta. Changed it to point to meta now. So it should work now.

I tested the deployed version on meta, it seems to work. I guess there's still a remote chance of the rewrite happening when the connectivity is patchy. I haven't fixed that yet.

@Jephpaul that's great! Thanks. I'll deploy the userscript tomorrow and test again. We'll keep an eye out for the edge-case bug.

  • J
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Capt_Swing edited subscribers, added: Jephpaul; removed: Capt_Swing.

this will live in the backlog for now until I'm able to repro. I know that it happens, I'm unsure what the circumstances are.

Capt_Swing moved this task from Gadgets to Backlog on the Community-IdeaLab board.
Aklapper lowered the priority of this task from Low to Lowest.May 27 2022, 3:28 PM