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Migrate Korma functionality into upstream
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Current version of Korma is working on a specific branch [1] of GrimoireLib.

This task aims at merging that branch with master to follow the common development in upstream [2].


Event Timeline

Dicortazar assigned this task to Acs.
Dicortazar raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Dicortazar updated the task description. (Show Details)
Dicortazar moved this task to Backlog on the board.
Dicortazar subscribed.

Just to mention that a 99% of the funcionality is already in master. The following step consists of keep working on the branch till T92953: Migrate Korma identitites database to SortingHat is ready to go.

Qgil raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Mar 27 2015, 10:08 AM
Qgil subscribed.