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Private mailing list for Wikimedia MediaWiki API team
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Create a new private mailing list for use by the new #mediawiki-api-team for internal team communications. @RobLa and @bd808 can serve as the initial list administrators.

Event Timeline

bd808 claimed this task.
bd808 raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
bd808 updated the task description. (Show Details)
bd808 added subscribers: bd808, Aklapper, RobLa.

No reply needed, just expressing my usual generic worries as I always feel a bit uncomfortable when a public mailing list gets a private counterpart:
I hope there will be enough reflection on that private list that folks speak up and say "Is there anything secret in this thread? If not, why isn't this on the public list instead" whenever needed. Thanks. :)