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MediaWiki jobs statsd metric are no more monitored due to a metric name change
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The Gdash jobq page shows empty graph. The images refers to metrics such as MediaWiki.stats.job-insert.count.

In puppet, we have some graphite monitoring at modules/mediawiki/manifests/monitoring/graphite.pp for:


Looking on the MediaWiki.stats. hierarchy has disappeared. End result: gdash are empty and we have loose all jobq monitoring.

The stats are still available and inserted but directly under MediaWiki (ie .stats has been dropped somehow).

Looking at MediaWiki.job-insert.count
From 29/04/2015 09:00 Until 29/04/2015 12:00:00

statsd-job-insert.png (308×866 px, 35 KB)

The change occurred on 29/04/2015 at 9:47am UTC.

Event Timeline

hashar raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
hashar updated the task description. (Show Details)
hashar subscribed.
hashar set Security to None.

The Statsd has been changed recently by @ori but that seems to have been deployed a while ago.

During that morning @fgiunchedi send a couple statsd related commit in operations/puppet:

Maybe that caused the metric names change?

I think there's two factors at play, dealt with the extended counters which indeed renamed the metrics, however the stats prefix has been long gone from mediawiki (can't find the commit ATM) so previously it would have been MediaWiki.job-insert.
related is also T85641 and T87594