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Make older versions of pywikibot available for download
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Sometimes there is bot work that needs to be done urgently before bugs that block working with latest version of pywikibot are resolved. Fix to this would be an archive of round number versions of nightlies of core pywikibot. If I am missing an easy way to downgrade my pywikibot, please advice me how to do that.

Event Timeline

Wesalius raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Wesalius updated the task description. (Show Details)
Wesalius subscribed.
Aklapper renamed this task from Feature request: Make older versions of pywikibot available for download to Make older versions of pywikibot available for download.May 11 2015, 9:39 AM
Aklapper added a project: Pywikibot-General.
Aklapper set Security to None.
Restricted Application added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST). · View Herald TranscriptMay 11 2015, 9:39 AM

Has this been brought up / discussed on the mailing list or on the IRC channel?

@Ladsgroup is managing the nightly builds so they know the best if it's possible to have older versions still available. E.g. have one for the last 7 days, then 3 additional for every 7 days to cover 4 weeks without wasting to much space (if that is a concern).

For now it's possible (in theory) to use git to download any version. And the script to generate the nightly build is available online on github so in theory it's possible to modify it to download any version and create a nightly-like package from that.

Could you please add short instruction on how to use this? Thank you :-)

AFAIK you just need to use although it currently returns a 404 so maybe the URL is wrong or it didn't create a old build yet.

@Ladsgroup I don't know if the link will appear as soon as it is available but if not could you please add one in ?

The link is working now :) I add the link the pywikibot page ASAP

So we have now tags (at least ONE tag) so do we want to add these too? So that we have builds for each tag (in theory we only need to build them once). On the other hand all those are probably on pypi too (at least currently).