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Testing filters against individual changes always fails to match the filter
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On Persian Wikipedia, if we go to abuse filter log[1] and then click on "examine" next to any of them, and then load the same filter ID, and finally click on "Test filter" button, no matter what the conditions are, it always returns a "The filter did not match this change" response.

Even for a very simple condition like 2>1 the test always fails to match.[2]

Although the "Test a filter against previous edits"[3] still works fine, but still this bug has made testing and development of filters hard and confusing.


Event Timeline

Dalba raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Dalba updated the task description. (Show Details)
Dalba added a project: AbuseFilter.
Dalba subscribed.

I am not sure if I understand the bug correctly, but it is *not* specific to Persian Wikipedia. Try test Wikipedia for example:

It seems like no matter what criteria you use, the filter never matches the edit.

Huji renamed this task from Examining individual changes always fails on Persian Wikipedia to Testing filters against individual changes always fails to match the filter.May 16 2015, 2:30 PM
Huji set Security to None.
Huji added a subscriber: Mormegil.