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Better errorhandling in ExprParser
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The current tactic to set the return value to false to indicate that something
went wrong is (at least in my opinion) a "Bad thing", following patch implements
better (IMO) Exception handling.

As I'm lazy, this patch will depend on bug 6068, as I'm to lazy to remove those
from the patch.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Related Objects


Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 9:25 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz7964.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

the patch

the patch as promised

attachment throw1.patch ignored as obsolete

the patch

removed the parts that is designated to the other bug

attachment throw1.patch ignored as obsolete

the patch

made the changes brion pointed out.

attachment throw1.patch ignored as obsolete

the patch

forgot to fix the space -> tab problem in ParserFunctions.php also (had some
strangle rules in .vimrc that was hidden in the bottom)

attachment throw1.patch ignored as obsolete

the better and cleaner patch


it blocks because of the patches are dependent

robchur wrote:

Don't post patches that depend upon each other, it makes reviewing code changes
harder. You've been advised about this before. Thanks.

(In reply to comment #7)

Don't post patches that depend upon each other, it makes reviewing code changes
harder. You've been advised about this before. Thanks.

I was told by brion to do so, so please don't complain.

robchur wrote:

Of course, the correct response to that would have been a quick email, "Hey
dude, Brion asked me to...blah blah blah".

(In reply to comment #9)

Of course, the correct response to that would have been a quick email, "Hey
dude, Brion asked me to...blah blah blah".

Oh, I'm sorry, I'll think about that next time.