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Bassem (باسم)


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User Since
Sep 16 2015, 5:55 AM (458 w, 3 d)
MediaWiki User
باسم [ Global Accounts ]

Recent Activity

Dec 17 2018

Bassem added a comment to T211198: Do not capitalise first letter of Wikidata descriptions on languages that do not support capitalisation e.g. Arabic.

@Jdlrobson in Arabic Language our words are formed of connected letters, the problem is that the 1st letter of the ar description appears separated. in the case of the Apple article description, the 1st word (on the right) should appear as: ثمرة where the letter ث is connected to the rest of the word, yet it doesn't appear so, and it seems to be a single letter at first then comes the rest of the word.

Dec 17 2018, 3:00 PM · Web-Team-Backlog (Design), I18n, MinervaNeue

Feb 26 2018

Bassem added a comment to T187344: Add language codes for Arabic languages for use in labels, aliases and descriptions to Wikidata.

Said Akl was a Radical Christian who supported the Idea of Radical Christian Militias (you can say the ISIS of the Arab Christians back then) that said Lebanese people were not Arabs, and that they spoke "Lebanese" which was heavily refused by the General Public. Those who still believed in this were the most extremists of these previous christian Militias.

Feb 26 2018, 6:24 AM · [DEPRECATED] wdwb-tech, Language codes, Community-consensus-needed, I18n, Wikidata, MediaWiki-extensions-LanguageSelector

Feb 23 2018

Bassem added a comment to T187344: Add language codes for Arabic languages for use in labels, aliases and descriptions to Wikidata.

Not true. I'm Lebanese and these so called "efforts" in Lebanon were done by some Christian militias during the Civil war cause they believed that being "Arab" = being "Muslim". These ideas were abandoned after the civil war ended in 1990 and the only people who kept talking about them were radicals. The official language of Lebanon and the Lebanese is Arabic as the constitution says. You are talking as if literal Arabic is not understood in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, like we are writing in what? Classical Medieval Arabic! That's nonsense, and form of Arabic in the Maghrib are Accents and dialects, if some or even all Arabs felt they are harder to understand, its not like they'll have to "learn" it, give them some time and its will be understandable, as for the Maghrabi users, you make it sound like they'll never understand or adapt to Arabic Wikipedia, like they are learning and alien language. I'm totally against this, what you are saying is unconvincing at all.

Feb 23 2018, 2:26 PM · [DEPRECATED] wdwb-tech, Language codes, Community-consensus-needed, I18n, Wikidata, MediaWiki-extensions-LanguageSelector

Feb 16 2018

Bassem added a comment to T187344: Add language codes for Arabic languages for use in labels, aliases and descriptions to Wikidata.

That's nonsanse. These are all Arabic Accents and even dialects. They are not used in literal works or scientific reaserch (whenver its published in Arabic). The only time such accents are used in any type of work is some local pop poetry. Even if they have what is called a "language code" the General thoughts in all of the Arab world is these are just Accents. That's totally not acceptable.

Feb 16 2018, 7:19 PM · [DEPRECATED] wdwb-tech, Language codes, Community-consensus-needed, I18n, Wikidata, MediaWiki-extensions-LanguageSelector