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Add footer in CopyPatrol that links to feedback page and source
Closed, DuplicatePublic1 Estimated Story Points


We had at least one person who wanted to contribute to the source and couldn't find it. To me it seems a footer is needed, where we could put other useful links. Something like this (also running at

Screen Shot 2016-06-30 at 7.38.23 PM.png (175×1 px, 17 KB)

I thought to add a copyright message in it as well, but not sure how you all feel about that. What would we put? I'm OK listing out authors, "Copyright © <code to show current year> Niharika, MusikAnimal, Kaldari" but really this is just the whole team :) Would "Community Tech" by itself be OK? Or do without a copyright message in the weird irony that this is a copyright-related tool?

Alternatively we could add this to the top, but will require some fun design exploration to make it look good. The login/logout buttons could live in the same header.

All in all, some sort of unobtrusive footer/header for these links would be nice. It would allow us to convey important venues and we could ditch the giant yellow banner which I personally find annoying :)

Event Timeline

DannyH set the point value for this task to 1.Jul 5 2016, 5:47 PM

This morning, we decided to move the Feedback and Source links to the header. The footer could be used for the "Brought to you by..." credit list, and a link to the Copyvio-tools Phab project.

I'm not sure what we do about the credits -- we haven't actually done that before. Pageviews Analysis has a credits list because Leon was a volunteer at the time, and he wanted to give a shout-out to Marcel for writing the original tool and Ryan for helping him out.

This one is different, this is us as the Community Tech team signing our work, and also giving a shout-out to Eran for the original tool.

My suggestion is:

Brought to you by the Community Tech team
based on EranBot, by Eran

"Community Tech team" is a link to our Meta page, "Eran" is a link to his user page.

What do you all think? Does it need individual names?

That sounds fine to me, I just didn't want to steal @Niharika's thunder as a team since she did the bulk of the work :) I might even use the wording "powered by EranBot, by Eran" since it's the provider our data.