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Add header and footer to CopyPatrol
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points


Add a header at the top of the CopyPatrol page.

From left to right:
Feedback (links to
Source (links to source code)
Login button (on the right side, as it is now)

copypatrol header.jpg (150×950 px, 13 KB)

Danny's suggestion for the footer:

Brought to you by the Community Tech team
based on EranBot, by Eran

"Community Tech team" is a link to our Meta page, "Eran" is a link to his user page.

Event Timeline

DannyH set the point value for this task to 1.Jul 5 2016, 5:50 PM
kaldari triaged this task as High priority.Jul 5 2016, 5:50 PM
kaldari lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.
kaldari removed a project: Community-Tech.
DannyH renamed this task from Header - Copy Patrol to Add a header on CopyPatrol.Jul 5 2016, 9:56 PM
DannyH updated the task description. (Show Details)

I think that looks great. The logo makes this look legit. :)

Note we need T139128 to be bundled in with this branch since we have to provide attribution for the image.

MusikAnimal renamed this task from Add a header on CopyPatrol to Add header and footer to CopyPatrol.Jul 7 2016, 3:42 AM
MusikAnimal updated the task description. (Show Details)
MusikAnimal changed the point value for this task from 1 to 2.
MusikAnimal added subscribers: Niharika, MusikAnimal.

Merged in T139128 since they need to be on the same branch, and the styling of one will likely affect the other.

Here's what I've got for the header:

Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 6.15.22 PM.png (290×1 px, 98 KB)

For the footer:

Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 11.45.30 PM.png (237×1 px, 62 KB)

You can view it live at (notice also the favicon!)

For the footer, I went with the language "Powered by EranBot and Turnitin". "Based on" is accurate but I think "Powered by" is offering even more acclaim, and accurate since it's supplying the data we're using. Next, I don't think we need to name Eran since he's tied to the bot. Finally, Turnitin plays a large role here so I think they need a shoutout :)

The duplicated Feedback and Source links can be removed, I just figured footers act as fine print are generally comprehensive in this sense.

@bd808 may wish to review what I put in the "Image attribution" modal at the bottom.

@MusikAnimal Good job! Especially for the choice of fonts for CopyPatrol and Feedback/Source links. :) I like it a lot. The modal looks good too.

Deployed! Thanks, all!