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[Notifications] Add empty state view to Notifications Center
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  • If no notification content is available for display, show an empty state view.


image.png (812×375 px, 30 KB)

See Figma for empty state mocks (they are in a vertical column), except for the "No alert subscriptions" empty state. That task is covered in



Event Timeline

Dmantena renamed this task from [Notifications] Add empty view to Notifications Center to [Notifications] Add empty state view to Notifications Center.Aug 11 2021, 11:45 PM
Dmantena triaged this task as Medium priority.
Tsevener updated the task description. (Show Details)

I know we'll need to tweak this screen further once filters are implemented, so moving this back into ready for dev for now. The basic empty state while importing notifications is done.

JMinor lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Nov 9 2021, 7:39 PM

Note: looks like our current version of main isn't populating the subtitle when an empty state is displayed due to a filter. Moving back into Ready for Development to investigate.

FYI @cmadeo @OTichonova - at some point we updated the empty state string "You have no unread messages" to "You have no messages". Since the notifications center is capable of displaying both read and unread messages, an empty state indicates neither type is available to display. Can you update the Figma mocks for QA so we don't have a bug on this?

@Tsevener thanks for catching this! Updated figma and added to the task description!

Note: looks like our current version of main isn't populating the subtitle when an empty state is displayed due to a filter. Moving back into Ready for Development to investigate.

I think this is working now, I may have been confused earlier because we removed the read status filter from counting towards this subtitle from the user testing feedback.

There's one last thing remaining to develop for this ticket. We need to show and update the subtitle if the user has turned off all of their inbox projects. So the final logic for the subtitle display and text will be:

Read status: any value (read, unread, or all)
Types: any value (all OFF, all ON, some OFF)
Inbox: 0 checked

Subtitle displays and says ""Add projects to see more messages".

Read status: any value (read, unread, or all)
Types: all ON
Inbox: 1+ checked

No subtitle displays. Empty state will only show title "You have no messages" - This is done.

Read status: read, unread, or all
Types: one or more OFF
Inbox: 1+ checked

Subtitle displays and says "Modify {n} filters to see more messages" with {n} being the number of types they have toggled OFF. - This is done.

@cmadeo Please let me know if I'm wrong on any of this. Thanks!

Here are the original comments with this logic:

Read status: any value (read, unread, or all)
Types: any value (all OFF, all ON, some OFF)
Inbox: 0 checked

Subtitle displays and says ""Add projects to see more messages".

This bit is up in this PR

JMinor claimed this task.