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[XL] Address outstanding issues for Watchlist
Closed, ResolvedPublic


There were important improvements for Watchlist that didn't make it into 7.4.2. due to timing. Those tasks are still importnat, as the lead engineer for Watchlist, this task is for @Dmantena to make the improvements that didn't make it into the 7.4.2 release.

Tasks to Complete

  • Hyperlink the titles of the articles on the diff screen so that users can go to the article they are viewing the edit for T352326
  • Provide users an entry point to update update their languages in the filter view. (info contained within current ticket - T347915, T356794)
  • Address weird behavior with date alignment on diff screen when there isn't an edit summary T347425
  • Finalize Accessibility Audit for Diff View T343582 T347761
  • Bug with visiting unsupported Revision History pages T343494
  • Remove WKMenuButtonDelegate T347433


Screenshot_20231002-183424.png (2×1 px, 103 KB)

Screenshot_20231002-183721.png (2×1 px, 97 KB)

Designs for adding a language:

image.png (1×750 px, 108 KB)
IMG_328588407891-1.jpeg (2×1 px, 316 KB)
Filter viewLanguage selection [1]

[1] Reuses the modal from Settings → My languages → Add another language

Event Timeline

I've attached some examples of the implementation on Android as a reference. the Update app languages just takes you to settings where you can modify languages.

I think the issue around the edit summary is because on Android the structure is date>Username>Summary, so it doesn't matter if the summary is variable because the other two fixed items are always there.

Provide users an entry point to update update their languages in the filter view.

@scblr Apologies if I'm missing this in Figma, but I can't locate the iOS designs for this. Are there iOS designs for this somewhere?

I’ll have a look @Dmantena and will provide designs next week 👍

Provide users an entry point to update update their languages in the filter view.

@scblr Apologies if I'm missing this in Figma, but I can't locate the iOS designs for this. Are there iOS designs for this somewhere?

Here you go @Dmantena 👇

image.png (1×750 px, 108 KB)
IMG_328588407891-1.jpeg (2×1 px, 316 KB)
Filter viewLanguage selection [1]

[1] Reuses the modal from Settings → My languages → Add another language

Here're updates on this task.

Provide users an entry point to update update their languages in the filter view.

I have two WIP branches up for this work:

I've tried rewriting this a few times, and while this has been the least friction to WKFormView approach so far, I'm not particularly happy with it and I'm entirely open to a different approach – feel free to tear it up as needed. I just wanted to leave something as close to functional as possible before I was out which should hopefully be straightforward for anyone to pick up.

The remaining work on it are:

  • Replace the preferred language modal that's displayed with WMFLanguagesViewController (TODO's in code indicate where).
  • Reload the watchlist filter view model/view after user selects new language.

Additionally, while working on it I discovered this bug (that also appears in production):

  • Non-latin language name not displaying in Watchlist filters: add Simplified Chinese to your languages, open Watchlist filters, and note that the row name is empty for that language

As for the additional items listed:

Finalize Accessibility Audit for Diff View T343582 T347761
Bug with visiting unsupported Revision History pages T343494

Have a great holiday break!

Seddon renamed this task from Address outstanding issues for Watchlist to [XL] Address outstanding issues for Watchlist .Mar 8 2024, 11:32 AM
Tsevener subscribed.

@JTannerWMF Can we close this? All the items are checked off.