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[BUG] Feature article from /feed/featured endpoint is showing incorrect language variant on zhwiki
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

What happens?:
The title and content show the original Chinese content instead of Traditional Chinese.

What should have happened instead?:美分银币
Title: "3美分银币" -> "3美分銀幣"

The same things happen in displaytitle, titles, extract, extract_html, and normalizedtitle

Screenshot_20240116-125752_Wikipedia Dev.jpg (2×1 px, 139 KB)


Other Assignee

Event Timeline

Move this ticket to Tracking on Android.

Duplicate of T315650, which already have a patch by me pending review.

Sbailey moved this task from Backlog to In Progress on the Wikifeeds board.
Sbailey moved this task from In Progress to Backlog on the Wikifeeds board.
Sbailey subscribed.

Found a ticket related to this issue:

This was because of disabling the zh variants in the code, that's why it always returns the plain zh articles.

@Jgiannelos Any updates on the code above? Is it safe now to remove the special logic of stripping zh variants?