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Automoderator should be capable of fetching configuration from an on-wiki json page
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We have a wide number of configuration options we want to enable communities to configure via Community Configuration.

The scope of this task is to add the technical ability to retrieve configuration from an on-wiki .json page. The page should be in the MediaWiki namespace - see MediaWiki:GrowthExperimentsConfig.json for an example of how a Community Config 1 tool has this set up.

Event Timeline

This ticket can also implement Enabled/Disabled as the first config available to users.

jsn.sherman changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Mar 26 2024, 7:05 PM
jsn.sherman claimed this task.
jsn.sherman moved this task from Ready to In Progress on the Moderator-Tools-Team (Kanban) board.

Change #1014608 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jsn.sherman; author: Jsn.sherman):

[mediawiki/extensions/AutoModerator@master] [WIP] Support loading config from WikiPage

Note to self: The MediaWiki config page will need to be created manually - nothing is created automatically.

Some followup needed. We need an internal config for enabling the configuration, which is distinct from the user-facing toggle.

Change #1014608 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/AutoModerator@master] Support loading config from WikiPage

Change #1015569 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jsn.sherman; author: Jsn.sherman):

[mediawiki/extensions/AutoModerator@master] Rename things related to WikiPage config

Change #1015569 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/AutoModerator@master] Rename things related to WikiPage config