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Email notifications sent both by Echo for core edits and by Flow for replys/mentions/etc should include as much context as is feasible so i can just read my email and not visit the website.
Open, MediumPublic


Emails should include as much context as is feasible.

  • Add which wiki it came from
  • Add an excerpt of the message, if it was a new topic, or a reply

Need to check differences between Flow and Echo's core notifications that do similar things as well.

See T91783: Improve branding / design of Echo notifications about design.

Trello card: imQm4mLT

  • column: Send to Phabricator - Collaboration-Team board

Event Timeline

Needs more info, or we can INVALID it.

From at least August (or older)

The problem with email notifications is they have no context, they link you to the site. Notifications that don't suck would give me everything i need in the email itself

EBernhardson updated the task description. (Show Details)
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EBernhardson renamed this task from Email notifications that don't suck to Email notifications sent both by Echo for core edits and by Flow for replys/mentions/etc should include as much context as is feasible so i can just read my email and not visit the website..Feb 23 2015, 6:59 PM