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Don't use padding-bottom for paragraphs
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OK, I think I'll directly create a task, because I don't believe that using padding-bottom for paragraphs was an informed decision. Context: T360917, T352875, T351754, etc.

This task was partly inspired by T352875#9674743 by @Xover, in which they said:

Please don't use tricks like combining margin-top and padding-bottom. You're doing it to defeat margin collapsing, which is how the CSS box model is supposed to work.

for a project like Wikisource that actually needs to vary this stuff from page to page doing this just makes it feel like the skin is fighting us every step of the way. I can deal with the 7px (.5rem) top and bottom margin if it's consistent across Vector 2010/2022, but a completely different way to achieve the effect between the two, with different values, and in a way deliberately designed to defeat basic box model behaviour…? Now I just want to throw a complete style reset in MediaWiki:Common.css and call it a day.

The whole idea behind using margins, not paddings, for elements in text flow is that margins collapse, i.e. the bottom margin of the upper element overlaps, partially or entirely, with the top margin of the lower element. This allows to have stable margins between whichever elements. E.g.: tables have 1em margins while lists have 0.5em. If you make them adjacent, table + list or list + table, tables will always have 1em around them, not 1.5em and not 0.5em.

With padding, there is simply no way you can ensure stable vertical margins in a text flow for elements of a certain type (which is how it's supposed to be designed), unless you either

  1. use some incredibly dirty rule like p + * { margin-top: 0.5em }, which defeats the whole idea of fine-tuning margins in a way your design suggests;
  2. or hardcode every possible combination of siblings, e.g. p + ul, p + pre, p + blockquote, p + table, and so on (we already have tasks for three of them, and there is no point in creating one for each of the rest).

And even if you do any of that, you will be left with nested elements, which the margin collapsing mechanism also covers but padding does not, so you will have to add even more ad hoc rules like p + div > table, the potential number of which approaches infinity. And then there are empty elements, which the margin collapsing mechanism...

If you decided to refrain from using simple margin: 1em 0, which would ensure even margins, then instead of using padding-bottom: 0.5em for p , you could use margin-bottom: 1em and a negative margin for the next sibling in exceptional cases, e.g. p + ul, p + ol { margin-top: -0.5em }, together with :first-child / :last-child pseudo-classes as required. Other options might exist which I'm unaware of.

And I don't even mention the sheer volume of CSS readjustment that all wikis are now having to undergo, which was the central part of @Xover's rant and the subject of several tasks, many more to come.

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Yeah I also don't really understand this. margins are predictable and collapsing is a core part of CSS. Trying to bypass collapsing seems like an attempt to break a behaviour because it was in the way somewhere.

Instead it just creates more problems because now you are doing something that nothing else is expecting. and you are only doing it for <p>. that's just a bad technical deviation that creates lots of confusion and pitfalls for other people trying to style their content.

I had to fix margins yesterday on the main page of Russian Wikipedia because I opened it in new Vector and it had a bunch of spacing problems because of the paddings. I think having only margins to space elements is a reasonable expectation in newer skins (Monobook also has paddings, but, hey) that was broken by the changes described in the task.

ovasileva triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 11 2024, 5:32 PM
ovasileva moved this task from Incoming to Groomed on the Web-Team-Backlog board.
ovasileva subscribed.

Will look at this once we're done with T360917: [Spike 3hrs] Unintended vertical spacing behaviour as that should make it more straightforward to start on