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Sep 25 2019, 8:44 AM
2 KB
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
# This is an automatically generated file. You can find more configuration
# parameters in '' file.
# The family of sites to work on by default.
# ‘’ imports ‘families/’, so if you want to change
# this variable, you need to use the name of one of the existing family files
# in that folder or write your own, custom family file.
# For ‘’ to be able to read your custom family file, you must
# save it to ‘families/’, where ‘xxx‘ is the codename of the
# family that your custom ‘’ family file defines.
# You can also save your custom family files to a different folder. As long
# as you follow the ‘’ naming convention, you can register your
# custom folder in this configuration file with the following global function:
# register_families_folder(folder_path)
# Alternatively, you can register particular family files that do not need
# to follow the ‘’ naming convention using the following
# global function:
# register_family_file(family_name, file_path)
# Where ‘family_name’ is the family code (the ‘xxx’ in standard family file
# names) and ‘file_path’ is the absolute path to the target family file.
# If you use either of these functions to define the family to work on by
# default (the ‘family’ variable below), you must place the function call
# before the definition of the ‘family’ variable.
family = 'wikipedia'
# The language code of the site we're working on.
mylang = 'ko'
# The dictionary usernames should contain a username for each site where you
# have a bot account. If you have a unique username for all languages of a
# family , you can use '*'
usernames['wikipedia']['*'] = '-revi'
usernames['meta']['*'] = '-revi'
usernames['commons']['*'] = '-revi'
usernames['wikidata']['*'] = '-revi'
usernames['wiktionary']['*'] = '-revi'
usernames['wikibooks']['*'] = '-revi'
usernames['wikinews']['*'] = '-revi'
usernames['wikiquote']['*'] = '-revi'
usernames['wikisource']['*'] = '-revi'
usernames['wikiversity']['*'] = '-revi'
usernames['wikivoyage']['*'] = '-revi'
usernames['incubator']['*'] = '-revi'
#sysopnames['wikipedia']['ko'] = '-revi'
#sysopnames['wikinews']['ko'] = '-revi'
#sysopnames['wikiversity']['ko'] = '-revi'
#sysopnames['commons']['commons'] = '-revi'
#sysopnames['wikidata']['wikidata'] = '-revi'
#sysopnames['meta']['meta'] = '-revi'
#sysopnames['wikimania']['wikimania'] = '-revi'
password_file = ""
flickr = {
'api_key': '[REDACTED]',
'api_secret': '[REDACTED],
'review': False,
'reviewer': '-revi',

File Metadata

Mime Type
text/plain; charset=utf-8
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
raw.txt (2 KB)

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