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Nov 4 2016, 1:25 AM
2016-11-04 01:25:57 (UTC+0)
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Revisions without parent ID in enwiki DB
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# Revisions from the revision table #
select left(rev_timestamp, 6) as month, sum(rev_parent_id is not null) as parent, sum(rev_parent_id is null) as null_parent
from revision
group by left(rev_timestamp, 6);
# Revisions from the archive table #
select left(ar_timestamp, 6) as month, sum(ar_parent_id is not null) as parent, sum(ar_parent_id is null) as null_parent
from enwiki.archive
group by left(ar_timestamp, 6);
month parent null_parent
200101 1 33
200102 10 87
200103 11 106
200104 2 32
200105 6 106
200106 10 79
200107 19 100
200108 17 180
200109 35 417
200110 41 616
200111 77 954
200112 155 1412
200201 73 315
200202 230 1957
200203 163 801
200204 85 603
200205 86 641
200206 84 667
200207 78 1131
200208 102 3399
200209 191 3033
200210 182 3048
200211 170 2739
200212 148 2721
200301 257 4177
200302 207 4773
200303 635 5313
200304 303 5315
200305 406 7105
200306 473 7803
200307 600 10292
200308 659 8170
200309 595 8077
200310 565 7741
200311 841 10414
200312 785 11729
200401 973 12754
200402 1282 24416
200403 2073 31851
200404 2553 28666
200405 2221 32107
200406 3606 67193
200407 3208 55010
200408 4162 62212
200409 4814 78945
200410 4984 81704
200411 5380 99724
200412 6342 131834
200501 5993 107236
200502 5783 101143
200503 7213 125234
200504 8965 146560
200505 10024 171978
200506 11229 189702
200507 13093 218022
200508 15745 255766
200509 13917 231661
200510 16122 302129
200511 20217 318215
200512 24011 406559
200601 27699 443033
200602 26985 462652
200603 32704 540060
200604 31744 526957
200605 34291 611166
200606 38240 601675
200607 40628 635614
200608 48994 706531
200609 41467 635854
200610 47116 674235
200611 47853 704332
200612 49502 697902
200701 52964 775826
200702 53443 760967
200703 56791 811204
200704 75939 1033523
200705 78723 924549
200706 59700 748238
200707 61977 711900
200708 58489 657514
200709 54598 611791
200710 58105 667286
200711 57892 624881
200712 59005 545328
200801 60780 574516
200802 55895 550407
200803 62559 564134
200804 68473 534581
200805 62298 539571
200806 63858 471136
200807 64669 415453
200808 61062 383205
200809 60650 379573
200810 67973 416964
200811 65391 357236
200812 63373 368690
200901 72081 370686
200902 77353 396765
200903 88575 423466
200904 68893 339270
200905 75235 332612
200906 72820 322030
200907 73146 330589
200908 71266 306273
200909 93194 351973
200910 73694 300116
200911 66727 277773
200912 71056 284218
201001 68725 302766
201002 67244 298791
201003 107880 326109
201004 75588 278561
201005 80311 266723
201006 79540 273934
201007 76382 247552
201008 83941 243881
201009 89948 227461
201010 88699 228622
201011 81141 221754
201012 81948 223113
201101 94189 241669
201102 86062 197713
201103 93205 202773
201104 92494 192519
201105 104466 195554
201106 98860 203487
201107 109753 200791
201108 136267 194873
201109 215687 251886
201110 128870 172766
201111 136512 164001
201112 242365 195001
201201 160713 156448
201202 232941 106859
201203 309845 0
201204 264379 0
201205 259117 0
201206 237744 0
201207 288698 0
201208 251621 0
201209 241862 0
201210 296669 0
201211 232980 0
201212 238644 0
201301 249987 0
201302 225995 0
201303 262100 0
201304 245291 0
201305 237154 0
201306 239042 0
201307 238711 0
201308 229396 0
201309 222197 0
201310 212230 0
201311 218885 0
201312 228428 0
201401 236144 0
201402 206745 0
201403 229809 0
201404 203521 0
201405 224732 0
201406 202456 0
201407 207778 0
201408 195934 0
201409 183763 0
201410 195169 0
201411 190964 0
201412 197719 0
201501 205336 0
201502 205543 0
201503 210920 0
201504 197921 0
201505 194026 0
201506 189261 0
201507 192063 0
201508 200083 0
201509 199015 0
201510 193314 0
201511 179937 0
201512 167617 0
201601 174029 0
201602 169088 0
201603 175225 0
201604 156081 0
201605 167086 0
201606 144498 0
201607 135081 0
201608 137951 0
201609 122194 0
201610 113852 0
201611 6168 0
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Revisions without parent ID in enwiki DB (3 KB)
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