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Page Previews keyboard interaction discussion from Thursday, 9th March

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Page Previews keyboard interaction discussion from Thursday, 9th March

11:03:43 <phuedx> i really don't like this whole "blur on click" thing
11:04:27 <phuedx> but it'd require more state to mark the interaction as, say finalised but still open
11:06:17 <joakino> it is werid and hacky, yes
11:06:59 <joakino> i mentioned to piotr that if we don't find a proper way to do it I'd rather say that we can't do it without removing the focus,blur features of hovercards.
11:07:05 <joakino> because of implicit browser behaviors
11:09:42 <phuedx> ^
11:10:03 <phuedx> that's an interesting tradeoff
11:19:27 <phuedx> olliv: would that be acceptable?
11:19:39 <phuedx> basically, drop keyboard navigation support
11:20:13 <phuedx> which would also get rid of this awkward "open in new tab, tab out, tab in, preview reappears"
11:20:56 <olliv> phuedx: I'm not entirely following, keyboard navigation won't work only for the hovercards or for the links as well?
11:21:14 <phuedx> only for hovercards
11:21:32 <phuedx> sorry, should've been very clear, ONLY FOR HOVERCARDS!
11:33:15 <phuedx> olliv: if you tab to a valid link, then it'll show a preview
11:33:31 <phuedx> essentially, this is the behaviour that triggers the reappearing preview
11:34:34 <phuedx> when you tab back to the page the browser says "you've tabbed to this link!"
11:35:41 <olliv> phuedx: that's perfect
11:35:47 <olliv> let's do it
11:36:52 <phuedx> to be clear, let's remove the tabbing stuff from hovercards?
11:40:46 <phuedx> olliv: so, yeah, remove keyboard-related stuff from page previews, i.e. only mouse interactions
11:41:18 <olliv> phuedx: yes.
11:41:40 <olliv> and I'll make a note to add that to the documentation
11:53:05 <phuedx> olliv: do you mind if i copypasta this ^^^ and add it to the task
11:53:12 <phuedx> without me swearing, obviously ;)
11:53:40 <olliv> phuedx: sure. Could you also tag me with a reminder to update the documentation?
11:54:20 <phuedx> sure
11:54:25 <phuedx> (that's also on anyone btw)
11:58:07 <phuedx> olliv: otoh limiting it to mouse interactions does make it less accessible, some of our users don't use their mouse
11:58:10 <phuedx> i dunno
11:58:14 <phuedx> it's a balancing act
11:58:43 <phuedx> joakino: any thoughts?
11:59:13 <phuedx> i'll think about this over lunch
11:59:22 phuedx → phuedx|nom
11:59:43 <olliv> if it's only for hovercards, I think it's okay. While I would love for all features to be accessible, I think we can have this as a special case
12:01:31 <joakino> olliv: phuedx|nom: the problem is focus on links, not hovercards, it'd be removing the focus/blur behavior or changing it to require a key press to show the hovercard (like space or enter)
12:01:38 <joakino> i'm out for lunch too, finishing a task
12:08:10 <olliv> joakino: meaning a user could not focus a link to open via the keyboard, or only that they would not be able to open the hovercard? Also, would this alternative be possible - have a key to show the hovercard and then select the card to open the page?
12:11:00 <joakino> olliv: they would be able to focus links, but instead of focus showing the hovercard, having a key (like enter) when focused show the hovercard, and next key (like enter) would open the page
12:11:08 <joakino> we can chat later about it
12:11:18 <joakino> kind of confusing to do in chat
12:11:33 <olliv> joakino: sounds good
12:11:48 <olliv> joakino, phuedx|nom ping me when you're back, maybe we can do a quick hangout
12:13:07 <joakino> olliv: the thing is that removing focus on the link to avoid that unexpected behavior makes the focus be lost so if you come back and want to continue tabbing then you'll go to the start of the page
12:13:20 <joakino> so fixing that bug means breaking the tabbing experience
12:13:58 <olliv> joakino: hmm...okay, yeah, let's talk about it on a hangout and think through the options
12:56:16 phuedx|nom → phuedx
12:56:21 <phuedx> olliv, joakino: back
13:01:21 <phuedx> right
13:01:34 <phuedx> i'm going to grab that chat and remove my swears and whack it on the task for context
13:01:42 <phuedx> but we should hangout about this, i agree

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Page Previews keyboard interaction discussion from Thursday, 9th March (4 KB)

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