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- Nov 14 2014, 10:42 AM (534 w, 4 d)
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I'm going to loosen this requirement as we already have a process and a tool for making MediaWiki emit verbose logs: WikimediaDebug.
Fri, Jan 31
Thu, Jan 30
Wed, Jan 29
Being bold.
A not-so-great result is that there are MPIC requests that are lasting longer than 240 ms. It looks like the request timeout mechanism is working for the majority of requests
Tue, Jan 28
A great result is that the P 95 MPIC request duration is < 250 ms.
@cjming: Could you take a look at the dashboard? We should discuss the labels on the MPIC Request Rate by Status (/min) graph.
One way of doing this would be to:
I started noodling on this here https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/d1ea56fb-efc3-4f90-9cfe-618d8611c1a4/metricsplatform. Please feel free to pick up where I left off (perhaps by adding a panel for MPIC request timing).
Mon, Jan 27
Fri, Jan 24
The above patch is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but it gets us to where we want to be. LMK what you think about the modifications to OWNERS.md and I'll have a think about how it can be neatened up.
Thanks, @Reedy. I'm not sure why I overlooked composer.lock?! I'll keep an eye on this but for now I'll mark it as Low priority.
Being bold.
These look great, @Sfaci! My only feedback is that we shouldn't be encouraging QTEs/SWEs to manipulate cookies directly. It's enough to use the mw.metricsPlatform.overrideExperimentEnrollment() function, right?
The MetricsPlatform PHP Client doesn't require psr/container (see https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/data-engineering/metrics-platform/-/blob/main/composer.json?ref_type=heads#L21 onwards). How can I reproduce this error so that I can see which requirements need to be updated/relaxed?
Thu, Jan 23
Looking at T382364: 1.44.0-wmf.13 deployment blockers, there does appear to be a train blocker.
Wed, Jan 22
Tue, Jan 21
@Krinkle: I'm going to continue to investigate but I would appreciate your input if you've got a moment.
Fri, Jan 17
This is done. My sincere thanks to all who helped shape the initial design and, eventually, get v1 ready ❤️❤️❤️
This is done. My sincere thanks to all who helped shape the initial design and, eventually, get M1 (AKA "the alpha release") ready ❤️❤️❤️ You can follow along with the next step of end-to-end testing the system in T373715: MPIC (aka EPIC): Create a plan for dogfooding the alpha release.
This is done. My sincere thanks to all who helped shape the initial design and, eventually, get M1 (AKA "the alpha release") ready ❤️❤️❤️ You can follow along with the next step of end-to-end testing the system in T373715: MPIC (aka EPIC): Create a plan for dogfooding the alpha release.
@cjming: Is this Done™?
Being bold. This is Done™. Thanks all ❤️❤️❤️
Being bold. This is Done™.
Being bold. This is Done™.
Being bold. This is Done™.
Being bold. This is Done™.