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Develop cross team plan for PoC integration testing of Experimentation Platform 3rd party solutions
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Data Products team has evaluated several options as part of a buy vs install review of existing 3rd party solution in the Experimentation Platform space.

Ultimately, we settled on two main contenders, Growthbook and Statsig.

A decision brief has already been prepared to discuss the potential issues presented due to the licensing of these options.

As part of the next phase of evaluation, we want to setup two example environments that test interoperability between each option and the necessary WMF systems.

Growthbook can be operated self hosted while Statsig is cloud based. For Q1 FY 24/25, we will be working on the the first hypothesis:

"If we create an integration test environment for the proposed 3rd party experimentation solution, we can collaborate practically with Data SRE, SRE, and QTE to evaluate the solution’s viability within WMF infrastructure"

As a next step, Data Products intends to work with Data-Platform-SRE to construct system design/data flow diagrams to identify how the two individual platform could integrate with WMF infrastructure, and how to standup PoCs for both.

Acceptance Criteria

  • A system design, with detailed data flow, has been created for Growthbook PoC integration
  • A system design, with detailed data flow, has been created for Statsig PoC integration