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Paste P10163

(An Untitled Masterwork)

Authored by Addshore on Jan 15 2020, 4:50 PM.
Referenced Files
F31513496: raw.txt
Jan 15 2020, 4:50 PM
So MatchingTermsLookupPropertyLabelResolver uses getMatchingTerms, but that is used as part of conflict detection, which is already migrated away in another place
TermSqlindex::getLabelConflicts also uses it, but that is also conflict detection and already migrated away
Then there is getTopMatchingTerms looks
Which is only used by MatchingTermsLookupSearchInteractor
So, there is code in ArticlePlaceholder than if configured to use the "Database" will still hit the term index. that isnt sometihng we need to worry about for wikidata, but again for third parties maybe
Then on the repo side it is still included in the entity-search-callback for items and properties currently
But again for that is not used as WikibaseCirrusSearch overrides it