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Paste P7035

(An Untitled Masterwork)

Authored by greg on Apr 25 2018, 12:13 AM.
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Apr 25 2018, 12:13 AM
09:29:23 bd808 | Reedy: I'm in a session about doing wikidata trainings and the topic of the damn ip account rate limit problem came up. Big confusion
| and discussion in the room. We need to help get that extension deployed. :/
09:29:47 Reedy | jfdi?
09:29:57 Reedy | question whether we swap from a db like legoktm was suggesting
09:30:29 bd808 | oh yeah. the idea of making it track in a page or something right?
09:30:55 Reedy | well, jsonconfig type thing, I think
09:30:58 Reedy | Or just a json page
09:31:01 Reedy | And create a "nice" gui
09:31:26 bd808 | that all sounds nice... but the damn thing works now right? ;)
09:31:31 Reedy | AFAIK
09:31:57 Reedy |
09:32:16 Reedy | Looks like only one feature left blocking deployment... with a patch