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AbuseFilter adds spaces before "added_lines", causing many false positives
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Since a few days ago (probably¹ 1.26wmf6?), added_lines starts with a white space which is not present in the new wikitext of the page.

For example, on
mw.config.get('wgAbuseFilterVariables')['added_lines'][0][0] === " "
returns true (in the JS console), but I didn't add any space before the "#" when I attempted to make that edit. Compare the values of new_wikitext and added_lines.

Due to this regression, filters such as
started to have many false positives, warning users incorrectly.

There might be others filters broken out there, whose maintainers simply didn't notice (yet).

¹ This seems to be the first log with the problem on Portuguese Wikipedia:

See also

Event Timeline

He7d3r raised the priority of this task from to Unbreak Now!.
He7d3r updated the task description. (Show Details)
He7d3r added subscribers: He7d3r, Jbribeiro1.
He7d3r set Security to None.

This task has had "Unbreak now!" priority for three weeks. The definition of "Unbreak now" is "to be fixed immediately".

Please help finding an assignee or potentially correct the priority value of this task. Thank you!

The assignee should be the one who broke this (i.e. the patch should be reverted). But I have no idea who did it...

I thought Ori fixed this already?

I thought Ori fixed this already?

@ori: Do you know?

aaron claimed this task.