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Missing data in Phab reporting dump
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Some visual editor tasks that seem like they should be in the dump are not. For example:

is not present in my reporting database after processing the JSON data, and doesn't seem to be present in the raw dump (based on searching for " 52098 " and " 52098,"

here's another:

In fact, I only have 9139 tasks, whereas Phab is up to 10,000+. Here are some diagnostic questions I'm stuck on:

  1. What is the Phab ID for T92027, or T52098?
  2. Does the "id" column in phab correspond to the task number, eg., T92027?
  3. What is the correct number of tasks in the dump?
  4. Is the data missing from the dump or is it a problem in my load script?

Event Timeline

JAufrecht assigned this task to chasemp.
JAufrecht raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
JAufrecht updated the task description. (Show Details)
JAufrecht subscribed.
JAufrecht set Security to None.

Dug deeper, was able to answer all of these questions with the data available and/or identify problems in the script.