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PHP Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset in JobQueueDB.php on line 817 (Workaround: Set "job_params" row to type "MEDIUMBLOB" )
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Setup: MW 1.23.9, PHP 5.4.39, MySQL 5.5.43

I am getting the following PHP Notice from "JobQueueDB.php" (e.g. 2 incidents):

PHP Notice:  unserialize(): Error at offset 65494 of 65535 bytes in /.../includes/jobqueue/JobQueueDB.php on line 817


PHP Notice:  unserialize(): Error at offset 65535 of 65535 bytes in /.../includes/jobqueue/JobQueueDB.php on line 817

Event Timeline

Kghbln raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Kghbln updated the task description. (Show Details)
Kghbln subscribed.
Kghbln triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 27 2015, 8:08 PM
Kghbln set Security to None.

This means the serialized data blob is invalid.

@Kghbln Do you still experience this issue? If so, could you add somewhere an echo $blob or wfDebug($blob) when unserialize return false and trigger the error to provide us a job sample?

Kghbln lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.EditedMay 23 2016, 10:50 PM

@Dereckson It is rarely happening (first time this year just now) and unpredictable when it comes to the wiki throwing the message (choice of 100+)

Thus très désagréable when it comes to debugging :(

I sympathize.

In such case, logging could work:

$serializeResult = unserialize( $blob );
if ( $serializeResult === false ) 
    file_put_contents( $blob . "\n\n======\n\n", "/tmp/T101257.log", FILE_APPEND );

You'll get a log with the wrong blobs, separated by ====== and blank lines.

I did not have this issue in a long time and since I am finally able to move on to MW 1.27 due to the bugs finally fixed for that branch I close this as "Resolved" by some unknown commit since I reported.

RomanSavochenko subscribed.

I have stable reproduction of the problem which I guess related to somewhere limit in 65536 and if some regular expression is used into unserialize() then it is that one, which I met early and into an other environment.

Then the problem has and observed into the extension "Translate" and for relatively big articles translation.

My environment: MW 1.29.1, PHP 5.6.30, MySQL 5.5.49

Reproduction condition:

  • A page in size more to 65535, translation blocks > 100;
  • Only I mark the page for translation I get messages like to this:

[Mon Oct 23 21:22:00.490844 2017] [:error] [pid 7063] [client] PHP Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 58962 of 65535 bytes in /var/www/oscada/wiki/includes/jobqueue/JobQueueDB.php on line 8
07, referer:
[Mon Oct 23 21:22:00.491945 2017] [:error] [pid 7063] [client] PHP Catchable fatal error: Argument 2 passed to TranslationsUpdateJob::__construct() must be of the type array, boolean given, cal
led in /var/www/oscada/wiki/includes/jobqueue/Job.php on line 74 and defined in /var/www/oscada/wiki/extensions/Translate/tag/TranslationsUpdateJob.php on line 18, referer:

  • Then the massages are the real problems and I unallowed for translation of the page and more I cannot remove the page at all but the translation removing accorded with like to upper messages.
RomanSavochenko raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Oct 23 2017, 6:29 PM

@RomanSavochenko Thanks a lot for reporting and reopening. Keeping fingers crossed that somebody will deal with this issue.

@RomanSavochenko Thanks a lot for reporting and reopening. Keeping fingers crossed that somebody will deal with this issue.

I hope that also.

Some details after appending the code part:
$serializeResult = unserialize( $blob );
if($serializeResult === false) file_put_contents("/tmp/T101257.log", $blob . "\n\n======\n\n", FILE_APPEND );

Then I have file /tmp/T101257.log which already truncated to size 65545 instead the waiting original file in size 159517.

And more, serialize() is not that one which truncate but after it into makeBlob() I have the full sized file.

So, I have found where the problem from!
Parameters of the jobs truncated by the type "BLOB" of the row "job_params" of the table "job" but it is 2^16 size limit.
Then I set the row "job_params" to the type "MEDIUMBLOB" and have not more for the problem.

Aklapper renamed this task from PHP Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset in JobQueueDB.php on line 817 to PHP Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset in JobQueueDB.php on line 817 (Workaround: Set "job_params" row to type "MEDIUMBLOB" ).Nov 2 2017, 11:45 AM

Added the Database tag since the workaround or possibly fix involves manipulating the database. Hope this is ok.