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Summarise our hypothesis for "User satisfaction" measurement
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


We need a summary of our hypothesis for how we're going to go about measuring "User Satisfaction" as a top-level KPI. Having this allows people to use our metrics with confidence, and critique them to produce better metrics. The end goal is a (to start with) report on what we're thinking of.

Event Timeline

Ironholds claimed this task.
Ironholds raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Ironholds updated the task description. (Show Details)
Ironholds subscribed.
Ironholds edited a custom field.
Ironholds moved this task from In progress to Backlog on the Discovery-Analysis (Current work) board.
Deskana triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.EditedJul 9 2015, 4:00 PM
Deskana subscribed.

This task needs to be finished soon. Our Wikimania presentation is coming up, and I want to incorporate this prose into it. Deadline is end of day Friday 10th July.

This was actually done. I just need to review it to see if it's what I need.

This was actually done. I just need to review it to see if it's what I need.

@Ironholds: So can this be closed, or at least the priority be lowered?

Yes, Dan needs to close it, however.