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[Story] Add fallback languages for property parser function
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There are fallback languages for editing on the WikibaseRepo (Wikidata) but there are not possible to define fallback languages at the WikibaseClient. For examle at nowiki that is predominantly in Bokmål (nb) it should be possible to use Nynorsk (nn), and perhaps even Danish (dk) and Swedish (sv) before ending up at English (en). If a string in some language is replaced with another it should be shown somehow, possibly wrapped in a span-tag with a class "fallback-language". The class would make it possible to take specialized action.

It could be interesting to override an option "editlink" in these cases and set it to "true".

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jeblad raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
jeblad updated the task description. (Show Details)
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This feature request is added after we started to use an infobox with the property parser function in a couple of thousand articles in nowiki. We then started to notice inclusion of properties that was missing labels in our local language. In some cases a fallback language could fix this, but often we need to go to Wikidata and add labels there. Very often the missing label was not in the paired item for the article, but was some missing label in an item referenced through a statement.

The {{#property}} parser function already supports language fallback. I take it what you are asking for is a way to specify the fallback chain to be used for a given client wiki. That is something we have been discussion for quite some time, and I think it's a good idea. I was sure there's a ticket about it, but I can't find it...

If this is what you are requesting, please change the description accordingly. The way it is worded now, it's redundant, since the property parser function already applies language fallback.

Jonas renamed this task from Add fallback languages for property parser function to [Story] Add fallback languages for property parser function.Sep 10 2015, 3:29 PM
Jonas set Security to None.

I'm pretty sure that when I wrote this there was no working fallback. I had added several properties in our Infoboks biografiand names was not localized to neighboring languages.

Fallback as such is resolved, but I'm not sure they are set correctly for Bokmål and Nynorsk.
Stuff about posting an editlink should be in another task.