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horizon: as user 'hashar' I can't boot instances from the contintcloud project image
Closed, ResolvedPublic


On the contintcloud project, Nodepool uploads images for the project and is able to boot instances out of them.

Via the Horizon interface, connected as hashar I can see the list of images attached to the project (4 in this case, wmflabs provides 31 additional ones).

Capture d’écran 2015-07-07 à 17.11.38.png (316×829 px, 66 KB)

Clicking on launch, the per project images are not available for selection:

Capture d’écran 2015-07-07 à 17.12.46.png (212×342 px, 27 KB)

I am a projectadmin in wikitech. I guess that doesn't grant specific permissions in Horizon.

Edit: when connected to Horizon with the nodepoolmanager account, I can not boot project images either :-(

Event Timeline

hashar raised the priority of this task from to Low.
hashar updated the task description. (Show Details)
hashar added a project: Cloud-VPS.
hashar subscribed.
Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
hashar set Security to None.

Noticed the images showing up all have a custom property: show: true. Trying to update the Nodepool image to inject the same metadata for the image ci-dib-jessie-wikimedia. Thus under provider wmflabs-eqiad:

  - name: ci-dib-jessie-wikimedia
          show: 'true'

yeah, that's on purpose -- otherwise we'd be inviting users to create instances based on obsolete images. The official upstream bug for that is

The custom properties need to be passed as a properties containing a hash hence:

  - name: wmflabs-eqiad
      - name: ci-dib-jessie-wikimedia
        diskimage: ci-dib-jessie-wikimedia
            show: 'true'
hashar claimed this task.

show: true did the trick:

Capture d’écran 2015-07-08 à 21.14.29.png (146×329 px, 26 KB)

I can now boot diskimage from Horizon \O/

yeah, that's on purpose -- otherwise we'd be inviting users to create instances based on obsolete images. The official upstream bug for that is

Nice! Looks like I missed the introduction of show: true. Took me a while to figure out how to inject in the image metadata but eventually found out the magic YAML above :-}

Good to see your deprecated proposal in OpenStack Horizon. I am sure it will be useful to other peoples.