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SVG fallback images failing on chrome/safari on mac
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Some pages are not displaying images in SVG mode in chrome.

I'm getting blank images in

pasted_file (245×1 px, 93 KB)

other pages seem to be displaying OK. It might a tempory problem now sorted, but leaving some problems.

I've tried math purging but that not working.

Event Timeline

SalixAlba raised the priority of this task from to High.
SalixAlba updated the task description. (Show Details)
SalixAlba added a project: Math.
SalixAlba subscribed.

Seems like it affecting new images. I I look at an existing page everything looks good. Once I start editing the page all the equations display as blank.

Looking at the page source its attempting to load URL like

Loading this in a new tab just gives
Exception encountered, of type "BadMethodCallException"

If I change the URL to

then it displays OK.

Change 230393 had a related patch set uploaded (by Physikerwelt):
Fix: Special page ShowMathImage should read the mode as string

@SalixAlba: Thank you very much for reporting this. This was really a stupid mistake. Sorry.

Change 230393 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix: Special page ShowMathImage should read the mode as string