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Train/deploy "damaging" and "goodfaith" models from data collected through (finished) "edit quality" campaigns
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Of the campaigns listed at
the following are already finished (have more labels than tasks):

The data collected should be used for training the new models, and made available at ORES:

Event Timeline

He7d3r raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
He7d3r updated the task description. (Show Details)
He7d3r subscribed.
He7d3r triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 30 2015, 7:56 PM
He7d3r set Security to None.

See work with models for Enwiki and Ptwiki:

It looks like Fawiki isn't done yet.

@Ladsgroup, can you have a look at the status of fawiki.

Persian Wikipedia is done. I can't get new work sets anymore.

Deployed enwiki, ptwiki and fawiki models on 10/4.

I updated ScoredRevisions to use the "damaging" model when available, with a fallback for the "reverted" model.