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Kevcasher raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Kevcasher updated the task description. (Show Details)
Kevcasher added a project: MediaViewer.
Kevcasher subscribed.
Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
Krenair claimed this task.
Krenair subscribed.

No information in description and useless title

Aklapper edited projects, added Trash; removed Multimedia, MediaViewer.
Aklapper set Security to None.

@Kevcasher: This is a production database used by the Wikimedia community. It is not a test system or something to play with. Please use if you want to test things. If you abuse your Wikimedia Phabricator account might be disabled.

If you really wanted to report a valid issue for Wikimedia, please read

@Aklapper possibly a result of the MediaViewer error page linking to Phabricator. I wonder if that should be changed to the MediaWiki support page. (Or could make Phabricator show some kind of tutorial when an extra URL parameter is present?)

@Tgr: Uh, wasn't aware of that, thank you.

@Aklapper possibly a result of the MediaViewer error page linking to Phabricator. I wonder if that should be changed to the MediaWiki support page.

So users are pointed to some random page (either Phabricator or on-wiki) to "report the issue" (without any hints how to do that in an effective way), and without any automatic passing of e.g. the problematic image URL or without showing or even passing any actual error message?
I don't think that helps anybody. Neither reporters nor editors.
Wherever a feedback venue is it should be where someone (developers) actually takes a look (and with (automated?) instructions how to provide sufficient information for developers). But if noone takes a look it does not matter if it's Phabricator or a wiki page (see the depressive UW feedback page example on Commons) and I'd rather disable such feedback links entirely instead of giving users a fake feeling that someone looks at their feedback.

(Or could make Phabricator show some kind of tutorial when an extra URL parameter is present?)

Not that I knew.

So users are pointed to some random page (either Phabricator or on-wiki) to "report the issue" (without any hints how to do that in an effective way), and without any automatic passing of e.g. the problematic image URL or without showing or even passing any actual error message?

Pretty much; only the project is prefilled. Providing URL / error/ browser details would be quite easy actually, I'm just not sure if it is acceptable privacy-wise.