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Blank page in ContentTranslation
Closed, InvalidPublic


Several at nowiki has reported blank web page lately, but resetting beta functions and then turning ContentTranslation back on solved the problem. Not sure what is going on, but it sounds like something isn't updated correctly.

From the text in the reports it seems like they are using Special:Preferences/reset so it is a pretty hard reset to get the web page going again.

First report was several weeks before the last system upgrade.

It could be that the root cause is somewhere else.

Event Timeline

jeblad raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
jeblad updated the task description. (Show Details)
jeblad added a project: ContentTranslation.
jeblad subscribed.
jeblad set Security to None.
KartikMistry renamed this task from Blank page in ContentTranslator to Blank page in ContentTranslation.Sep 1 2015, 7:13 AM
Amire80 triaged this task as Medium priority.Sep 4 2015, 7:44 AM
Amire80 moved this task from Backlog to Bugs on the ContentTranslation-Release6 board.

Hi, thanks for the report.

Not sure how to reproduce it. I'll leave it open a bit more in case it pops up again, but I'll probably close it by the end of September as irreproducible.

Amire80 claimed this task.

Couldn't reproduce. Please reopen if it happens again.