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Add an external link on Flow is broken
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Halfak renamed this task from Ass an external link on Flow is broken to Add an external link on Flow is broken.Sep 9 2015, 1:52 PM
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Looking at .. it seems that @Trizek-WMF pasted wikitext in VE mode.

I could easily reproduce the exact same error by pasting

This is a test [ Express&type=revision&diff=118466065&oldid=117715998 vous avez ajouté quatre références].

in a flow post response and looking at the generated wikitext (using the switch-to-wikitext button at the bottom).

Marking this as invalid accordingly.

I've tried to reproduce what I've done as far as I remember :

  1. type a text on VE
  2. select the word on which I want to create a link on
  3. click on the link button
  4. paste the following URL : Express&type=revision&diff=118466065&oldid=117715998
  5. hit enter
  6. see this link has been interpreted as an internal link
  7. edit link
  8. insert, looks good
  9. post


That doesn't seem like a valid URL (because of the space). Even Phabricator is not interpreting it as a single full URL. How did you get that URL exactly?

IIRC, copy/paste from a diff in the Guilbert Express article history. I haven't changed anything on the link.
I've done it again: I copy the link on my browser address bar (which has the underscore) and paste it on the Link dialog box. At this moment, the underscore is missing.

Screenshot - 10092015 - 17:28:15.png (249×443 px, 26 KB)

(May be useful: Firefox 40/Chromium 44 on Xubuntu 14.04)