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Apertium Failed to load resource: net::ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Please see report at It seems that @Oscar is having problems with this extension. Disabling scripts and gadgets didn't helped resolve the issue. If you could look into this it'd be appreciated.

Event Timeline

MarcoAurelio raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
MarcoAurelio updated the task description. (Show Details)
MarcoAurelio added subscribers: MarcoAurelio, Oscar.
Amire80 triaged this task as Medium priority.Sep 13 2015, 6:25 AM
Amire80 set Security to None.
Amire80 moved this task from Backlog to Bugs on the ContentTranslation-Release6 board.
Oscar claimed this task.

It was the webshield on Avast Antivirus.

Basically, is some kind of error with Avast, I just turned the webshield on/off. Restart the system, and now Apertium (and the auto-save) seems to be working.