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Add possibility to disable personal global custom CSS / JavaScript on individual wikis
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Add possibility to disable personal global custom CSS / JavaScript script on individual wikis

Probably via some kind of magic word like __ NOGLOBALSCRIPT __ put in local commons.js will be ok

Event Timeline

XXN raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
XXN updated the task description. (Show Details)
XXN added projects: JavaScript, GlobalCssJs.
XXN subscribed.

What's the usecase for wanting to disable global css/js?

XXN renamed this task from Add possibility to disable global custom CSS / JavaScript on individual wikis to Add possibility to disable personal global custom CSS / JavaScript on individual wikis.Nov 4 2015, 11:47 PM
XXN updated the task description. (Show Details)
XXN set Security to None.
XXN removed a subscriber: Bawolff.
XXN added a subscriber: Bawolff.

@Bawolff: On some wikis some features are enabled by default (e.g. wikidata search results on some wikipedias) and if you added a similar function in your global JS /CSS file, on some individual wikis can be necessary to disable function of global JS /CSS

@Quiddity: this is a good solution.

probably task can be closed if is no more sense in it.

Legoktm claimed this task.