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VE saturates CPU when losing internet connection and then trying an AJAX load
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I opened VE in Firefox 38 and did some editing. Then I tried to switch to the wikicode editor, opening the "cancel/discard changes/keep changes" confirmation dialogue. While the dialogue was open I lost Internet connection. After I hit "keep changes", VE began to saturate one CPU core. (I only lost Internet connectivity but was still connected to local network. From another similar experience, I don't think it makes a difference, though. I think the same thing happened with the link tool dialogue box: opening dialogue box, loosing internet connection, initiating a search for a wikilink target by typing into the link target search field.)

Then Firefox asked confirmation to leave the page because of unsaved form data and I denied. Now VE got stuck completely and I had to reload the page, loosing all changes.

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Laotinant raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Laotinant updated the task description. (Show Details)
Laotinant added a project: VisualEditor.
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ori renamed this task from VE saturates CPU when loosing internet connection and then trying an AJAX load to VE saturates CPU when losing internet connection and then trying an AJAX load.Nov 6 2015, 6:26 PM
ori set Security to None.

I opened VE, made changes, tried to switch to wikitext editing, disabled my network connection, and selected 'Keep changes'. It did not make my browser try to saturate either CPU core.

Also, when the switch confirmation dialog gets stuck due to loss of internet connection, if you press the 'keep changes' button again it will retry. I have no idea why Firefox asked you about leaving the page, you must have done something else.

Jdforrester-WMF changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Nov 10 2015, 8:15 PM
Jdforrester-WMF subscribed.