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Announce new models
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Write an announcement for the new models and advertise the tools that use them.

Event Timeline

Halfak claimed this task.
Halfak raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Halfak updated the task description. (Show Details)
Halfak moved this task to Backlog on the Machine-Learning-Team (Active Tasks) board.
Halfak subscribed.

I wrote an announcement here:

Not sure how we should pull this to other wikis. I also thing we need a simple "What is ORES and how does it work?" page. Maybe @Krinkle's recent questions would be a good starting point for knowing what we should cover on that page.

Halfak set Security to None.

Was there a recent announcement about this or just T118656#1805909?

@He7d3r, not sure what you mean by a "recent" announcement, but there was no announcement after the notes above. I only resolved this card recently because it had been hanging "open".

That is what I was referring to... Thanks for the clarification!