Looking at https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/metrics/pageviews/top/en.wikipedia/all-access/2015/11/11 and similar URLs, I'm noticing some weirdness with the "Paul_Elio" article on the English Wikipedia. The page itself is just a redirect to the "Elio_Motors" article.
"Paul_Elio" does not appear in the top 1,000 viewed pages for 2015-11-01 through 2015-11-12.
It appears on 2015-11-13 with 182,479 views.
It does not appear on 2015-11-14.
It appears on 2015-11-15 with 4,069,710 views.
It appears on 2015-11-16 with 4,832,338 views.
It does not appear on 2015-11-17.
It's possible that these numbers are accurate, but they seem pretty wild.